Sunday, July 22, 2012

The "Organic Vs. GMO" Issue

The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his or her patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.
- Thomas A. Edison

Organic agriculture is society's brightest hope for positive change.
-Michael Potter, Chairman and President of Eden Foods

One of the first things that sent me on a path to health and enlightenment was when I found out the information and benefits about organic products. I was shopping with my brother one day and picked up some conventional bananas to put in my basket when I heard him say, "Why are you getting those? There's no point in getting fruit or vegetables that aren't organic. Those were grown using GMO's and pesticides and they don't even have any nutrients." So I shrugged, placed those back, and put the organic ones in my basket. And that was the spark that set off a new revolution for my life. I had heard a friend from a long time ago talking about how organic was better, but I was young and careless at the time, so it just flew in one ear and out the other. But this time I was ready to receive such information. I did a ton of reseach for the next week and I realized how important it is to strictly buy organic things, not only for the personal health benefits (which are huge), but also because it's much healthier for the planet in general. The companies that produce organic food are very courteous to the planet and their customers, they're very eco-responsible, and they lack a lot of the corruption that the big corporation conventional food companies have for the most part.
If you're buying organic food, you're buying food the way that nature intended them to be made. No pesticides, herbicides, GMO's, and no unpronouncable chemicals that have no business being in food in the first place. And organic foods really do have much higher nutrient contents than their conventional counterparts. The health benefits you'll recieve are priceless. More energy, better mood, heal from injuries much faster, and a decreases in the risk and severity of getting sick (I havn't been sick once since I made the switch to organic). Some sources even suggest that food containing GMO's can even lead to an increased risk of cancer, and the evidence is there. Beware of foods labeling themselves as "All Natural", those have GMO's in them as well, and no organic ingredients.
Anyways, if you're someone that's looking into increasing their health, and making better choices for the planet, I can't recommend enough that you start by making sure that everything you buy is certified organic. Hygiene products as well, but more on that later. I recommend going to a store like Whole Foods, or any other local healthy living natural market to do food shopping. I know it's a little bit more expensive, but I've found that it's entirely worth it in my experiences so far.

Further sources to look into:
Natural News is a great website, and I definetely recommend searching around it.
The documentary "The World According to Monsanto". This is a great film that exposes the corruption behind the GMO industry, and the consequences that have arisen because of it.

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