Friday, October 26, 2012

Boycotting the Pharmaceutical Industry

In my previous blogs, I’ve covered the dangers of GMO’s/conventional non-organic foods, harmful chemicals in conventional hygiene products, the toxins and chemicals in the tap water and a range of other things that can lead to deteriorated health conditions. It’s important to acknowledge what all of these things have in common: Consistently using and consuming these things over long periods of time causes a high potential for developing major illness. Cancer being a common factor. And what happens when most people develop cancer, or other major illness? They go to the doctors and are prescribed several prescription medications that often lead to further side effects and can even make things worse. The ones that seem to treat the symptoms proficiently aren’t actually curing or healing, and in a lot of cases, you’ll need to depend on these medications for years, or possibly the rest of your life.

This part might border on “conspiracy theorist” territory, and if that’s not your thing, you can feel free to stop reading, but if you have an open mind and care about your health, please continue. There’s a high possibility that all of these industries that cause illness and degraded health, and the pharmaceutical companies that “treat” those symptoms as a result, are all interconnected in one way or another. The banks, corporation owners, GMO industries, pharmaceutical industries, if you get to a high enough level it seems like they’re all connected and they all benefit monetarily. I know it’s scary to think that there are people who are purposefully trying to harm your health, but even if that’s not the case, it’s still highly important to choose healthy alternatives to everything. And luckily, those alternatives are out there and easy to find, as listed in my previous blog posts. A little bit more expensive, yes, but like I always say: either pay a little bit extra now for good health, or possibly pay a lot more later to combat illness/disease. And if you stick to as much of an organic lifestyle as possible, as well as developing a loving, positive, grateful, and blissful emotional state, you’re body will remain healthy and radiant, and provide adequate defense against any disease and illness.

The pharmaceutical industries and their buddies don’t want to promote real health, and they don’t want their products to actually cure disease, because they know that if those were the case, they would lose at least hundreds of billions of dollars a year. They’ve put the desire for profits far above their concern for people’s health. And they know that healthy people = a lot less money for them. I’m sorry if these views have caused any fear or anxiety, that’s certainly not my intention. But I feel like it's important for people to know these things, and to know of the right choices that they can make in life, so that they can feel empowered and confident about managing their health.

In the case that you do get prescribed a medication for anything, or are already taking some, I highly recommend looking into safer and more natural alternatives, as well as more holistic approaches to healing. It can be difficult to find the right things, but searching through sources like, the works of David Wolfe, etc. it is possible to find the right answers. For all other cases, prevention is key. So just remember: organic organic organic. Try to do all of your shopping at the local natural health food markets and perhaps online through ethical and health promoting brands (See some of my previous posts for the top brands/companies that I recommend and have found to be the most effective and beneficial).

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Recommended Material

I just wanted to share some really helpful websites that I've found to be of tremendous value. First up is Nick Good's website:

Nick specializes in spirituality and health. He overcame cancer and has written a lot of material about how to overcome that and other diseases as well. He offers a lot of great nutritional tips on how to get and stay healthy as well. A lot of that material can be found in the PDF documents here towards the bottom of the page:

The other parts of his site that have to do with spirituality are very inspiring and helpful. I've always found it to be incredibly beneficial to read or listen to his material.

The other website belongs to Michael Mackintosh and can be found here:

A lot of his material has to do with mixing spirituality with business, but he also has a lot of other great articles in videos relating to other things of high interest as well. I've found his material to be incredibly helpful and beneficial as well.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Simple, Yet Effective Life Advice

"Primum non nocere" (First, do no harm).
1. Give unconditional love and respect to everyone you interact with. This will be reciprocated to you.

2. Remember to respect yourself.
3. Be kind and compassionate.
4. Listen with your complete attention to what someone is saying and seek to understand them from their point of view. Let go of the filter of your opinions or judgments.
5. If you make promises, keep them. Don’t make any you can’t keep.
6. Clarify your expectations and stay on the same page as the other person.
7. Develop a mentality of abundance: there is plenty for everyone.
8. Be kind, be generous; do no harm to any living being. Be true to yourself! Make time and space for creative expression. Your actions are like seeds, of which you will reap the crop.
-Michael Mackintosh, Co-founder of Success Ultra Now

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Recommended Superfoods

Here's a quick post to list some beneficial superfoods that I highly recommend:
The first one is called Raw Cacao, which is chocolate in its most pure and natural form. It's one of the most nutrient-rich and complex foods known to man. It's also one of the most powerful and highly ranked antioxidants in the world. The ancient mayans regarded this to be the food of the Gods. It can be quite energizing (a healthy replacement for coffee), and mood elevating. Be sure to only have a little bit at a time though and not too late in the day, otherwise, it might be difficult to fall asleep that night. The majority of natural healthy-living markets should carry atleast one brand of raw cacao and most are sure to be organic. The specific brands that I personally recommend are:
Up next is Chia Seeds. These are full of things like fiber, protein, antioxidants, and lots of vitamins and minerals. These are also very good and efficient at assisting with weight-loss. The directions to preparing them are: Add a couple tablespoons of the seeds to a waterbottle, fill it with about 8 ounces of water or so, and mix really well. Wait about 20 minutes, or however long it takes for the water to become jelly-like, and then drink and enjoy. If the water fails to turn jelly-like, try adding more seeds and/or decreasing the amount of water used for the next time. Most natural markets carry these as well, perhaps in the bulk section, but here are the brands that I recommend:
And lastly, if you're interested in detoxing, I highly recommend Parsley and Cilantro. Perhaps used as a topping for salads or other vegetables.

Monday, October 8, 2012

My Highest Recommended Books

This is probably the best book I’ve ever read in my life. And I’d go as far as saying the most important one, as well. Reading it in full, this book has the potential to be completely life saving and changing. I can’t recommend it highly enough. It’s the perfect introduction for anyone who is looking to develop a sense of spirituality, and to gain advice about taking better care of yourself, and the world in general. I believe that most personal problems can be resolved and fixed by reading this and applying the contained information. And it’s completely possible to change your life into something amazing and graceful. If it was mandatory reading for everyone, I believe we really could live in the best world ever.

This is the recommended follow-up book. It focuses mainly on nutrition, health, and how to make the best and wisest decisions regarding all of that. It’s one of my highest recommended nutrition books. It’s very good for natural healing as well as it can tell you the recommended foods, herbs, supplements etc. to take for whatever kind of ailments you may be experiencing. Anyone who’s interested in learning to live a healthier lifestyle, not only for just themselves, but the planet in general, will really appreciate this book. It promotes a very Earth-friendly nutrition that’s also the most beneficial for the body as well.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Karma: The Good, The Bad, and What You Can Do About It

So far in my life, one of the things that I’ve learned I can be certain about is the existance of karma. There’s been so many instances that I’ve experienced by now, both big and small, that even the most hardpressed skeptics would be forced to stand down and agree that it’s most likely real. It’s just way beyond coincidence by this point. I’ve found that even having to kill a bug or insect (one of the thing’s I’ve vowed to never do again) resulted in several small bad things happening to me over the rest of the day. And oppositely, doing good and positive things for people, animals, the world, etc. results in good things and experiences. I’m not saying that doing good things and being a good person will help you to win the lottery and become a millionaire, but you can certaintly expect peace and things that will make your life atleast a little bit easier and better. And over time, perhaps some big good things as well.

So if karma is in fact a universal law that no one is exempt from, what would you choose to do with that newly found information? Hopefully you’d let it inspire you to live your life in a more positive and caring way. If you live a life that consists of a lot of bad things and experiences happening to you, that might mean that you’re stuck in the negative wheel of karma. Focus on the things you say and the actions you take. If you can recall getting caught up in negative behaviors, that could explain a lot. All you have to do is shift your behaviors and intentions to more positive and helpful ways. Find the strength and willpower to never say or do bad things to anyone. That can be tough at first for some, especially if negativity has become a habit in your life, but you’ll be surprised to see how quick that actions of good and kindness can become habit as well.

I understand that there’s tons of influences in the world that condone and inspire negative behavior, especially the mainstream media promoting all of their corruption. As well as lots of other people caught up in negative behaviors and actions, and sometimes, people can be inspired by their peers in those circumstances unfortunately. So the most important thing becomes rising above all of that, commiting yourself to goodness and grace, and not caring if others have any kind of a problem with that.

In conclusion, if you live your life based on negative intentions, behaviors, and actions, you can expect negative things to happen to you and your life as a result. Little by little (or quickly and big in some instances), things will happen that will make your life harder, add hassles to deal with, and cause unpleasantness in general. I wouldn't call karma a punishment, I think it's just a way for the universe to help you learn and grow. Oppositely, if you shift your attitudes and intentions and base them on positivity, kindness, and being helpful, you’ll see a lot of improvements in your life situations. Good things will come easier, and it’s just much more rewarding in general. Plus, there seems to be a lot of evidence to suggest the possibility of reincarnation, in which your karma gets carried over to any further lives you live. So if you were to devote your present life to negativity, ill treatment of others and the world, etc. then you might be in for a rude awakening in your next life. Something to atleast consider.