Monday, October 15, 2012

Simple, Yet Effective Life Advice

"Primum non nocere" (First, do no harm).
1. Give unconditional love and respect to everyone you interact with. This will be reciprocated to you.

2. Remember to respect yourself.
3. Be kind and compassionate.
4. Listen with your complete attention to what someone is saying and seek to understand them from their point of view. Let go of the filter of your opinions or judgments.
5. If you make promises, keep them. Don’t make any you can’t keep.
6. Clarify your expectations and stay on the same page as the other person.
7. Develop a mentality of abundance: there is plenty for everyone.
8. Be kind, be generous; do no harm to any living being. Be true to yourself! Make time and space for creative expression. Your actions are like seeds, of which you will reap the crop.
-Michael Mackintosh, Co-founder of Success Ultra Now

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