In my previous blogs, I’ve covered the dangers of GMO’s/conventional non-organic foods, harmful chemicals in conventional hygiene products, the toxins and chemicals in the tap water and a range of other things that can lead to deteriorated health conditions. It’s important to acknowledge what all of these things have in common: Consistently using and consuming these things over long periods of time causes a high potential for developing major illness. Cancer being a common factor. And what happens when most people develop cancer, or other major illness? They go to the doctors and are prescribed several prescription medications that often lead to further side effects and can even make things worse. The ones that seem to treat the symptoms proficiently aren’t actually curing or healing, and in a lot of cases, you’ll need to depend on these medications for years, or possibly the rest of your life.
This part might border on “conspiracy theorist” territory, and if that’s not your thing, you can feel free to stop reading, but if you have an open mind and care about your health, please continue. There’s a high possibility that all of these industries that cause illness and degraded health, and the pharmaceutical companies that “treat” those symptoms as a result, are all interconnected in one way or another. The banks, corporation owners, GMO industries, pharmaceutical industries, if you get to a high enough level it seems like they’re all connected and they all benefit monetarily. I know it’s scary to think that there are people who are purposefully trying to harm your health, but even if that’s not the case, it’s still highly important to choose healthy alternatives to everything. And luckily, those alternatives are out there and easy to find, as listed in my previous blog posts. A little bit more expensive, yes, but like I always say: either pay a little bit extra now for good health, or possibly pay a lot more later to combat illness/disease. And if you stick to as much of an organic lifestyle as possible, as well as developing a loving, positive, grateful, and blissful emotional state, you’re body will remain healthy and radiant, and provide adequate defense against any disease and illness.
The pharmaceutical industries and their buddies don’t want to promote real health, and they don’t want their products to actually cure disease, because they know that if those were the case, they would lose at least hundreds of billions of dollars a year. They’ve put the desire for profits far above their concern for people’s health. And they know that healthy people = a lot less money for them. I’m sorry if these views have caused any fear or anxiety, that’s certainly not my intention. But I feel like it's important for people to know these things, and to know of the right choices that they can make in life, so that they can feel empowered and confident about managing their health.