If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian.
-Paul McCartney
"Thou shalt not kill" does not apply to murder of one's own kind only, but to all living beings.
-Leo Tolstoy
"Nothing will benefit human health or increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as the evolution to a vegetarian diet."
-Albert Einstein
In a perfect world, there'd be no such thing as eating meat. Or at the very least, we'd be able to fully go without it while remaining in optimal conditions of health. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world. I myself have experimented with veganism and vegetarianism with negative outcomes. At worst, I was getting really sick every couple of weeks. At best, I'd feel completely fatigued every day. I understand that it's possible to live that lifestyle healthily if you're a genius about supplementation, or have the proper genetics for it, but I'm not quite there yet.
There's several problems I have with eating meat. Mostly, I've always been highly against the idea of factory farm slaughterhouses and all of the torture, killing, horrible living conditions, and overall brutality that take place at those factories. What we're doing to these animals is nothing short of being equal to genocide and like a neverending holocaust. Watch this video to get just an idea of the atrocities that go on behind the scenes of where our meat comes from:
And keep in mind that these arn't just animals for us to do with as we please. But instead, try to see them for what they really are; conscious, living, breathing beings that experience emotions and feel pain, exactly like us. Just because they lack the ability to communicate and build things, that doesn't mean we should view them as lesser than us.
And then there's the issue of how unhealthy conventional processed meat is. Keep in mind that most of these animals have been pumped so full of growth hormones, antibiotics and fed with GMO feed and other poisonous food. A lot of these animals have become genetically modified themselves. By the time any of it is ready to eat, it's extremely unhealthy.
Most meats lead to extreme health problems such as clogged arteries, high cholesterol, heart-attacks and even cancer: http://www.organicconsumers.org/foodsafety/processedmeat050305.cfm
So what are the solutions? Fortunately there's a lot of them that are easy to figure out and add to your life. For starters, you could decide to try out veganism or vegetarianism and see if you're able to live that lifestyle healthily.
For everyone else, you can remember this tip: The ONLY meats I've found to be healthy and beneficial are free-range organic chicken, cage-free organic eggs, and natural wild caught fish. Those are the only ones that I've found to be low in fat, high in nutrients, and overall, safe and healthy to eat. The brand I recommend for fish is http://www.wildplanetfoods.com/. This way, you can fully avoid supporting slaughterhouses and unnecessarily harsh treatment of animals.
Although it's true that meat in general will always have high protein, when you're dealing with conventional meat, especially meats that come from cows or pigs, there's always going to be much more harm than good.
In conclusion, try to look out for not only the animals and the planet, but your health as well. If you're going to eat meat, please try to make sure that it's free-range and organic.
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